Muri Bhalissa: Italja - Bolol tal-posta (1920 - 1929) - 30 bolol.

1923 The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide"

11. June WM: Xejn Inċiżjoni: E. Petiti Printery, Roma. Perforazzjoni: 14

[The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", Tip BU] [The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", Tip BU1] [The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", Tip BU2] [The 300th Anniversary of the Congreation "De Propaganda Fide", Tip BU3]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
142 BU 20C 8.67 - 86.73 - USD  Info
143 BU1 30C 8.67 - 86.73 - USD  Info
144 BU2 50C 8.67 - 86.73 - USD  Info
145 BU3 1L 8.67 - 86.73 - USD  Info
142‑145 34.68 - 346 - USD 
1923 -1927 Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination

WM: Xejn Qies ta'karta: 100 Disinn: G. Cellini Inċiżjoni: A. Repettati

[Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, Tip BY] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, Tip BZ] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, Tip BZ1] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, Tip CA] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, Tip CA1] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, Tip CA2] [Definitives - Overprinted with New Denomination, Tip CA3]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
146 BY 7½/85C 1.08 - 1.36 - USD  Info
147 BZ 10/1C 1.08 - 0.54 - USD  Info
148 BZ1 10/2C 1.08 - 0.54 - USD  Info
149 CA 25/60C 4.34 - 0.81 - USD  Info
150 CA1 25/60C 54.20 - 43.36 - USD  Info
151 CA2 50/40C 8.67 - 0.54 - USD  Info
152 CA3 50/55C 81.31 - 8.67 - USD  Info
146‑152 151 - 55.82 - USD 

WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 14

Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
153 CB 15/10C 2.17 - 16.26 - USD  Info
154 BB2 30C 21.68 - 75.89 - USD  Info
153‑154 23.85 - 92.15 - USD 
[The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, Tip CC] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, Tip CC1] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, Tip CC2] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, Tip CD] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, Tip CD1] [The 1st Anniversary of the March of the Fascisti on Rome, Tip CE]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
155 CC 10C 8.13 - 3.79 - USD  Info
156 CC1 30C 8.13 - 3.79 - USD  Info
157 CC2 50C 10.84 - 6.50 - USD  Info
158 CD 1L 18.43 - 4.34 - USD  Info
159 CD1 2L 18.43 - 10.84 - USD  Info
160 CE 5L 32.52 - 37.94 - USD  Info
155‑160 96.48 - 67.20 - USD 
[The National Militia Welfare Fund, Tip CF] [The National Militia Welfare Fund, Tip CF1] [The National Militia Welfare Fund, Tip CF2]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
161 CF 30+30 C 70.47 - 86.73 - USD  Info
162 CF1 50+50 C 70.47 - 86.73 - USD  Info
163 CF2 1+1 L 70.47 - 86.73 - USD  Info
161‑163 211 - 260 - USD 
[King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Colours, Tip AQ7] [King Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947 - New Colours, Tip AL3]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
164 AQ7 60C 18.43 - 27.10 - USD  Info
165 AL3 2L 65.05 - 2.71 - USD  Info
164‑165 83.48 - 29.81 - USD 
1923 The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873

29. December WM: 1 Inċiżjoni: E. Petiti Printery, Roma. Perforazzjoni: 14

[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, Tip CG] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, Tip CH] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, Tip CI] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, Tip CJ] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, Tip CK] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873, Tip CL]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
166 CG 10C 16.26 - 65.05 - USD  Info
167 CH 15C 16.26 - 65.05 - USD  Info
168 CI 30C 16.26 - 65.05 - USD  Info
169 CJ 50C 16.26 - 65.05 - USD  Info
170 CK 1L 162 - 271 - USD  Info
171 CL 5L 1300 - 2168 - USD  Info
166‑171 1528 - 2699 - USD 


Mis sena

Sa sena




